Here’s a collection of resources with different transition tactics/practical techniques. This includes do-it-yourself guides, tips on effective activism, tangible permaculture techniques and so on:
Bill Mollison’s Permaculture Lecture Series
Bill Mollison provides practical permaculture techniques.
Completely unrelated side-note:
I’m not telling you to do this, but if you hypothetically wanted to download, say, your own video from vimeo to, say, solve a mono/stereo sound issue where sound only comes from one speaker, it takes some time but can be done:
Download and install Lightworks Free video editing software. Create a project in Lightworks.
Copy the video URL from vimeo, it should look like “” where X are numbers. Then open a vimeo video downloader such as Paste the URL you copied and press “Download”. Press the small link “Download video file”. Right-click the video player and save the file to your computer.
Then you drag the video file into Lightworks and do this.
Then you go make lunch.
Then you do this to reset Lightworks.
Nonviolent Communication — Workshop with Marshall Rosenberg
Marshall Rosenberg teaches nonviolent communication.
A short summary on nonviolent communication can be found in its transition tactic.
Peter Joseph’s presentation “A Viable Society” (Part 2)
Peter Joseph talks about how we can use five processes which stands in opposition to current systems. He covers automation (organise matter such that work is done with minimal human input), access (share stuff), open source (make information freely available), localisation (minimise transport) and digital feedback (set up sensors to measure stuff).
These points are also covered on pages 264 to 282 in Peter Joseph’s book “The New Human Rights Movement”.
The Market Gardener with Jean-Martin Fortier
A very comprehensive lecture on market vegetable gardening.
Eliot Coleman, Charles Dowding and Jean-Martin Fortier are my go-to authorities on vegetable gardening.
The Winter Harvest with Eliot Coleman
Eliot Coleman describes how to prolong the growing season into the winter. This is more or less a video summary of his book “The Winter Harvest Handbook”.
101 Permaculture Designs – Imgur Album
Comprehensive illustrations of practical permaculture techniques.
A Pattern Language: Towns • Buildings • Construction by Alexander et al. (1977)
This book describes hundreds of ways to organise matter, from high-level city planning down to furniture in individual houses. For me this is the most important transition book, more important than any political or historical literature.
Wiki-style website with clear descriptions of sustainable energy systems and techniques suitable for personal use.
Earth Care Library
A collection of permaculture books.
Low-tech Magazine
Low-tech solutions presented in well-written and extensive articles.
To maximise efficiency and longevity, using the lowest tech solution possible is generally advisable.
Open Building Institute
Open-source blueprints for constructing buildings.
Open Source Ecology
Plans for open-source hardware (machines) which are modular and can be assembled at low cost.
Open-source Hardware List on GitHub
An extensive list of open-source hardware resources.
Steal This Wiki
Another wiki-style website with many practical articles. Similar to Appropedia.
The Methods of Jean Pain
Jean Pain composting explained in a small book.
There are more resources on compost heating in the transition tactic for Jean Pain composting.
This list is currently incomplete, as I can add hundreds of resources. I will keep adding to the list when I have the time.
Stay tuned!